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Mrs. Kamlesh Verma
Reiki Grandmaster
Specialization in:
Aura, Dowzing,
Chakra Scanning etc |
Second Degree - Advance Basic Course |
- Knowing various mystical sciences & your psychic powers (Intuition, clairvoyance, telepathy, subconscious mind, Telekinesis, Dowsing, secrets of past life & healing).
- Demystifying Tantra-Yantra-Mantra.
- The amazing power of Symbols & Intention.
- The most powerful meditation for developing all psychic abilities & Kundalini.
- Activation of the Third eye & its wide uses.
- Method of instantly empowering anything & everything ( food, crystal, charka, etc.) for peak performance.
- Clearing negative energy of any place, person or object.
- Create energy shield & protect yourself, others, your house, car, any person from all kinds of negative energies tantriks, Spirits or environmental dangers.
- Release all negative thoughts emotions & blockages and create Love, harmony & strong relationships.
- Tap the unlimited power of your subconscious mind & carve your own destiny, personality, qualities & free yourself from all negative complexes, habits & addictions.
- Practical & scientific evidence of instant symbol energy.
- Heal anything & everything from a distance - diseases, problems, negative people, future events, circumstances, bad planetary conditions and bitter relationships thus creating a powerful & a comfortable future.
- Simplest lazy exercises for complete body fitness - Even the laziest person can do & also teach anyone.